I seem to be infected with a program called ANTIVIR.  It has pop screens that appear and I can't seem to get rid of it.
ANTIVIRI came as an anti viris scan and now every time I try anything to get rid of it a screen wanting me to register and pay for the antiviris program appears, or a screen telling me I have trojans and they have just the program to fix it. All I need to do is register and pay money and I will be fine. I need help getting rid of this. Thanks, john1 person needs an answerI do too
December 12th, 2009 8:11am

Which Antivir are you referring to? Here are two of them: Remove Omega AntiVir [Removal Guide] Remove Active Antivir [Removal Guide] Follow the guide using Malwarebytes to remove it, do not get scammed by those rogue scanners.
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December 14th, 2009 4:50pm

I received this Antivir popup today after I installed Windows Security Essentials, and I dfeleted PC-Shield.Why didn't Windows Security Essentials catch it? ADDED The Antivir popped up with a screen that looks like my computer folder, with over 400 of trojens on my computer, and insisted that I download the softwawre immediately. I closed what appeared to be My Computer folder, and the demanding notice that was looping disappeared as well.Again - why didn't Windows Security Essentials catch it???The really bad part is that a lot of people can get tricked, as it has a Windows logo on it, but if you would decide to download it, it failed the certificate test - thank goodness.Please respond - thanks.
January 28th, 2010 2:28am

Respond to what? Why didn't your antivirus catch it? Because it isn't a virus. Non-viral malware can be just as damaging as a virus but most antivirus programs won't stop you from deciding to install a scam program. Only you can make intelligent choices. And of course the scammers try to trick you by making their garbage look legitimate. It isn't any different than what a scammer in Real Life (meat space) would do. Try and trick you into falling for the scam. The best protection against scammers is an educated, aware user. Safe Hex: http://www.getsafeonline.org/ https://www.mysecurecyberspace.com/ http://www.getnetwise.org/ http://www.elephantboycomputers.com/staying-safe.pdfMS-MVP - Elephant Boy Computers - Don't Panic!
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
January 28th, 2010 4:02am

Thanks for the reply. I know more than I did before. Is there a different MS product that will catch malware?PC-shield software was giving me false positives on downloads, so I got rid of it. However, I never got this Antivir while running it. I willl check out your links and see what additional questions I may have.
January 28th, 2010 7:29pm

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